Challenging Weekend For Fagg At Rockingham

Charlie Fagg approached rounds 19, 20 & 21 of the Simpson Race Products, Ginetta Junior Championship full of confidence and positivity following on from his improved performance at Knockhill two weeks prior.

With the rain looming the Ginetta Juniors undertook their qualifying session in cloudy, but dry conditions. Charlie would lap the Rockingham International Speedway circuit in a time that would see him line up for race 1 in P8.

Race 1 took place shortly after the lunch break and Charlie would line up in P8. As the lights went out, Charlie made a clean getaway and came into turn one holding position, but unfortunately he was run out wide and lost quite a few places on the exit. Charlie would cross the line after lap 1 in P10. By lap 3 Charlie had slipped down to P12 as he attempted to progress through the pack. Charlie tried as he may to pressure the cars ahead but as he crossed the line he would be in 11th place.

Race 2 would See Charlie line up in P11. Charlie made a good getaway and headed down to turn one holding position. As the pack came down to turn 3, Charlie made his move on the pack in front, but a spinning car made Charlie take avoiding measures, and he threw hi29288788116_b8f8168cfc_os HHC machine onto the grass. This avoiding action meant he then dropped down the order to 13th place, and someway behind the mid pack. Charlie soon recovered and began to make his way back up to the pack in front. As the laps counted down, Charlie made light work of passing Max Bird and Jordan Collard and then pulled away, but there were not enough laps left to make up anymore ground. Charlie was to finish in P10 for race 2.

Race 3 saw Charlie start where he finished race 2, in P10. A good start saw Charlie head down to turn 1 gaining track position. By the end of lap 1 Charlie had progressed up the field to P7. As the race settled down Charlie would start to catch P6 man, Geri Nicosia. Whilst Charlie was right on the boot lid of Nicosia, the hard charging Seb Priaulx would catch Charlie and this meant he would now have to attack and defend at the same time. Unfortunately Priaulx would slip passed Charlie on lap 6, and Charlie would finish race 3 in p8.

Charlie commented, “The weekend could have been better, but overall it was ok. I think I had top 6 pace so qualifying wasn’t the best. A few racing incidents meant I lost out in each race, but I guess thats all part of racing and the learning!”